Florida Concealed
 Firearm  Training


Concealed Carry Classes
Sudden Impact Protections offers one of the most comprehensive Concealed Carry Classes in all of Florida. 

Our Certified Instructors will provide the knowledge and expertise that you need to lawfully and confidently carry a firearm. 

This class offered by Sudden Impact Protections  will satisfy the training requirement by the State of Florida. 

Our Training Programs

NRA Basic Pistol
Course with Range Training

For Women Only 
Intro to Handguns with Range Training

Personal Protection Outside the Home with Range Training

Concealed Carry Class
Get your Florida concealed weapons permit to legally carry a firearm in 37 different states.
Refuse To Be A Victim Class
Refuse To Be A Victim® is more than just a class: it's a mindset. Learn more about the women who have pledged to "Refuse."
Court Ordered Gun Safety Class
We all make mistakes. You may be able to get your gun rights and firearms license reinstated.

Our Trainers Take a Simple Yet Professional Approach To Train You

• Our Hands-On Training provides pre-built training materials to quickly train you

• Our Women Only Training addresses issues of never have handled or fired a firearm

• Our Private Lessons provides our training materials, and our one on one assistance


Schedule Your Weapons Permit Training Now!!

Concealed Carry Weapons Permit

Course Description

This is an objective-based course. The exact length of the course will depend on how long it takes to get through all of the objectives. A good ballpark estimate is  2 hours course instructions plus 2 hours range time.

Please do not make any important plans following class. We don’t believe in cutting corners, and the class may run all day.
Lesson 1: Developing a Personal Protection Plan 
Defining a personal protection plan
• Why conflict avoidance is so important
• Situational awareness
• The color codes of awareness
• Areas to avoid
• Cover, concealment, and an exit strategy
• How a permit to carry fits

Lesson 2: Self-Defense Firearm Basics 
Universal safety rules
• Clearing a semi-automatic
• Clearing a revolver
• Defining a gun’s action
• Understanding revolvers
• Understanding semi-automatics
• Modern, striker-fired handguns
• Understanding magazines
• Ammunition components
• Is caliber all that matters?
• Other measurements
• Ammunition care and storage
• Common ammunition malfunctions
• Clearing semi-auto malfunctions

Lesson 3: Defensive Shooting Fundamentals 
• Defensive shooting versus marksmanship
• Proper grip
• Shooting platform
• Aligning the muzzle to the target
• Unsighted fire, point shooting
• Flash sight picture
• Sighted fire
• Trigger control
• Rubber band exercise

Lesson 4: The Legal Use of Force 
Defining reasonable force and deadly force
• Detailed definitions of deadly force rules including scenarios
• What prosecutors will want to know
• Defending the home
• Defending property

Lesson 5: Violent Encounters and Their Aftermath 
Understanding fight or flight
• Effects of adrenaline and endorphins
• Recognizing a threat
• Issuing commands and evaluating options
• When we’re left with no other choice
• When the right to use deadly force ends
• The immediate aftermath
• Phone calls to make
• When the police arrive
• Statement to the police
• Preserving evidence
• Miranda rights
• During and after your arrest
• Advice for your lawyer

Lesson 6: Gear and Gadgets 
Holster retention
• Hip holsters
• Paddle holsters
• Pocket holsters
• Inside the waistband holsters
• Belts
• Tactical flashlights
• Guns safes and storage

Lesson 7: Basic and Advanced Skills
Holster retention
• Hip holsters
• Paddle holsters
• Pocket holsters
• Inside the waistband holsters
• Belts
• Tactical flashlights
• Guns safes and storage

BONUS: Florida Concealed Carry Rules and Regulations
Test your knowledge on Florida Concealed Carry law
• What the “Carry” law provides
• Training required
• Applying for a permit
• Process for approval
• Denials, and how to handle them
• Requirements for displaying your permit
• Where carrying is banned, or otherwise restricted
• Related statutes and federal law

Schedule Your Weapons Permit Training Now!!



gun safety rule #1
Treat all guns as though they are always loaded. 
Gun Safety Rule #2
Keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
Gun safety rule #3
Never point your gun at anything that you aren't willing to destroy. 

Get Your Permit to Carry 
Reprocity in 37 States

Florida CCW Reciprocity Map

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming.

We Train With
Lazer Training Pistols


Sudden Impact Protections uses SIRT Training Pistols to assist in training new users in mastering the Fundamentals of Pistol Marksmenship. SIRT training pistols display two different laser lights (red / green) when the trigger is squeezed. The RED laser lights when the firer squeezes the trigger and remains lit while the slack is being taken up. The GREEN laser lights when the trigger squeeze is complete and the simulated shot is fired. With the addition of Laser Activated Shot Reporter (L.A.S.R) Software, the shots are recorded and displayed on the screen.

New User Training Philosophy

New users are typically anxious worrying about the first shot, the noise of the shot, the recoil of the firearm etc., when attending their first firearms training session. When training the Fundamentals of Pistol Marksmanship, instructors presented the fundamentals illustrating each step with demonstrations, pictures and explanation. Dry fire training, training without firing, is used to practice fundamentals prior to progressing to actual live fire training. Traditional "Dry Fire" exercises do not reveal any signs as to if the new firer is executing sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control and breathing techniques correctly or not. We supplement traditional "Dry Fire" training with the addition of the SIRT Training Pistol along with L.A.S.R Software to maximize the effectiveness of "Dry Fire" training.

Which States Have Stand Your Ground Laws?

The following red states have “stand your ground” laws specifying that there is no duty to retreat from a place in which a person is lawfully present.

Stand your ground laws allow armed individuals who believe they are in imminent danger to use deadly force under certain circumstances, without first attempting to retreat from the danger. Stand your ground laws remove the obligation to retreat. States with stand your ground laws differ on whether the law applies to instances involving lethal force, with some states retaining the duty to retreat when lethal force is involved and others removing the duty to retreat under all circumstances.

NRA Basic Pistol
Course with Range Training

For Women Only 
Intro to Handguns with Range Training

Personal Protection Outside the Home with Range Training

Schedule Your Weapons Permit Training Now!!

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